join us!Become a member of the Lancaster Ski Club today, and take advantage of group ski trips, lift ticket discounts, exciting social events, and more. More details are on the Join Us page. If you are already a member, log into your profile in the upper right corner of this page. If not, you can join online using the form below. Prez SezMarch 2025 Message from the PREZ Hard to believe that our trips have come to an end for this ski year! Thank you for everyone who went on our trips this year. I have heard so many amazing stories about the trips and experiences this year and they all have sounded amazing! Thank you for our first time trip leaders- Derek, Caitlin and Andrew. All of our trips were a great success this year, minus some of the conditions we have been stuck with on the East Coast. We appreciate all of our volunteers and the time it takes to help organize and get us out on those slopes! Fantastic job to all of our trip leaders, new and seasoned! We also were able to donate to 5 local area high schools to help out with their cost of their weekend trips. All of these high schools have been amazing to develop this relationship with and kids have been able to go skiing for the first time with the help of our donations! The trip committee will be meeting in March to go over the trip surveys and compile a list of possible destinations. Please know that we work on getting this information out as soon as possible so you can save the dates and prepare for some vacation time next winter! Upcoming Events: Last Membership Meeting of the year- March 20th Spring Dance- April 25, 2025 Thank you all for a great, safe and successful ski season! Sincerely, LSC President | Upcoming trips & social events
Renewals due May 1, 2025: Single Membership $35.00 Family Membership $45.00 Junior Membership $20.00
Michele Christ Nissa Saloman Jarl Ferko Keith Heidet |